I will lift mine eyes to the hills…. The psalmist is speaking of a time concerning the need for direction and aid that can only come from one place and one person and one direction. In psalms 121:1-3 it says,
- I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
- My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.
- He will not suffer they foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.
We are living in times of great change on the earth, where words like adjustment, transition, vicissitudes, and flexible are mainstays of our life and conversations. It is during these times that one must allow themselves to be governed by the one who is not intimidated, frightened or fearful about change in our life. Why? Because he is the only constant and stable that can handle all of life’s turns, hills, or valleys.
The Lord see’s and knows our ahead better than we remember our yesterday and past. It is in times like these that I pledge my allegiance to the one that never changes no matter how dark the clouds or how hot, cold, wet, or dry the seasons in my life may be.
I with great intention and purpose choose to trust in the Lord who by his great strength alone made heaven and earth. My friend God is not a respecter of any man’s person, meaning because of your age, height gender or color he will not withhold his ability from your life. I must choose to believe that his ability working for me, with me and through me is enough to sustain me whenever, wherever and in whatever I may have need. So, against all odds and statistics I confess the Lord to be both now and forever “MY HELP”.
The Lord has been, The Lord is, and the Lord continues to be my one and only SUFFICIENT HELP!!! BLESSED BE HIS HOLY NAME IN ALL THE EARTH!!!
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